deliver customers the ability to register for a permanent electronic ATL via the public website. A management portal in MFM will allow for Regional Franchisees to approve and administer new and existing requests. The existing ILOC barcodes will be despatched to customers by the RF to affix somewhere on their property for a courier to scan on delivery
Action Name | Description | Invocation URL |
AddLocationByAtlId | Add a new location to the Electronic ATL | /v5/electronicatl/addlocationbyatlid |
CancelRenewalATL | Cancel an existing ATL | /v5/electronicatl/cancelrenewalatl |
CreateNewATL | Create a new ATL application | /v5/electronicatl/createnewatl |
CreateNewLocationTemp | Create temporary safe location which is used in the sign up page. Note that the ATL is not yet created, therefore the safelocation added by the user needs to be held temporarily | /v5/electronicatl/createnewlocationtemp |
CreateTempNewSafeLocations | Create a new temporary safe location | /v5/electronicatl/createtempnewsafelocations |
DeleteAllSafeLocationsBySessionId | Delete all temporary safe locations | /v5/electronicatl/deleteallsafelocationsbysessionid |
DeleteBySafeLocationId | Delete Safe location | /v5/electronicatl/deletebysafelocationid |
DeleteBySafeLocationSessionId | Delete temporary safe location | /v5/electronicatl/deletebysafelocationsessionid |
GetATLById | Get ATL details | /v5/electronicatl/getatlbyid |
GetATLSafeLocationsById | Get Safe location details | /v5/electronicatl/getatlsafelocationsbyid |
GetATLSafeLocationsBySessionId | Get temporary safe locations | /v5/electronicatl/getatlsafelocationsbysessionid |
RenewATL | Renew an existing ATL | /v5/electronicatl/renewatl |
ValidateAddressAsNonRural | Check if the address entered is rural or not | /v5/electronicatl/validateaddressasnonrural |