Get all manifests of the specified type under the (optional) specified MultiBusiness, or get a manifest with a specific ID.
Type - The type of manifest to get. Valid values are 'all', 'open' or 'closed'.
MultiBusinessID - Optional, if specified will only return manifests under the specified MultiBusiness (from List MultiBusiness Businesses).
ManifestID - Optional, if specified will ignore the first 2 parameters and retrieve the manifest with the specified ID, if it exists.
A data structure like:
{ 'result': [{ 'ManifestID': 104408, 'Description': 'Hello', 'MultiBusinessID': null, 'CreateDate': '2012-04-15 23:16:08', 'PrintDate': null, 'CreatedBy_UserID': 96, 'NumberOfConsignments': 5 }], 'generated_in': '10ms' }